word division

[网络] 英语词的拆分;断词法;移行



  1. John struggled to speak the authoritative, the living word that would conquer the great division between his father and himself.
  2. In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.
  3. The errors I am talking about include unidiomatic English, grammatical blunders, misspellings and improper word division at the end of the lines.
  4. In combination with this research, the platform design objective and general structure were determined and the key techniques for the development of the system were esta-bished, such as design of the client interfacing, text analysis and automatic word division and weighting.
  5. This paper will discuss the universal law and function of Russian word order from the division of simple sentence.
  6. As modern Chinese language develops with the time, double-syllable word experiences integration and division.
  7. In a word, TDCS is a spectrum agile and broadband Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA) technology.
  8. In a word, the model of management of administrative division is still the administrative control model in our country.
  9. During the division of tax powers, the writer continuously is using the special word Arrangement but Division written in many literature, because the writer is thinking the tax powers as a kind of source with the features as scarcity or limitedness.